currently offers auctions for storage units located in cities across West Virginia:
We now have online auctions available in West Virginia! Find whatever you’re on the looking for - furniture, appliances, electronics, antiques and more. You just tell us where you are located and how far you are willing to drive. Then we show you what is available.
Browse local auctions for storage units in areas near Charleston, Morgantown or the University of West Virginia without leaving the comfort of your home. You can search local online public auctions, or ones further away. You are only limited to the distance you are willing to drive if you win the auction.
We are constantly updating our database with new units up for auction everyday. Though the opportunities are vast, we recommend you bidding as soon as you see something you like. No two units are the same and what’s available today may be gone tomorrow.
Sometimes, storage unit renters become delinquent on rent or abandon their units completely. A lien may be placed on these units in accordance with West Virginia's lien laws. Under these laws, the storage facility owners are allowed to recover the debt these situations cause by selling the contents of the abandoned units. That’s where we come in and bring the units to you.
Ready to start bidding ? All you have to do is create an account with us first. The sign-up process is quick, easy and FREE! As soon as you confirm your email address, the bidding possibilities are endless. helps sellers get their units auctioned off faster than traditional units, and expose the units to a wider bidder base. Sellers can create accounts for free or use upgraded membership plans to lower the cost of the fee associated with cancelled auctions ($20 for free members).
Let us do all the grunt work when it comes to finding public storage auctions near you. Simply tell us where you are looking to buy from and we can show you what is available. No more planning out a day to travel to a live auction and fight a crowd over a few units. Sit back, relax with your computer and reap in the awesome finds. Register today!