is the place to find great deals on storage units. Our online storage auctions allow you to avoid the crowds and travel required for live auctions and bid on a unique assortment of treasures from the comfort of your home. For those who love saving money or even making money at auctions, is your ultimate resource.
Finding out about traditional auctions is hard, and many times, you come away with little to no winnings. With, you only have to drive to pick up your guaranteed winnings. You can bid on any auction that you’re willing to drive the distance to pick up. We provide helpful pictures so you can decide if you want to bid, and research prices to make the most informed bids.
Instead of planning a long drive to Sioux Falls or Rapid City, you can just log in and click your way through the many treasures for sale. We have new self-storage auctions added every day, and each auction has the potential to bring a variety of items ready for resale. You can find furniture, appliances, electronics, antiques, and more!
The storage locker auctions we feature are units that have been abandoned, which means they remained unpaid for an amount of time determined by the South Dakota's lien laws lien laws. The manager or owner of the property listed the storage unit with us, giving you the chance to bid and win.
To buy storage units online through our auction platform, it’s as simple as registering as a bidder. Setting up your account is quick, easy, and free. Click here to get started!
When storage owners or managers wish to sell the storage unit contents of a tenant who isn't paying, we provide free storage auction listings. This offer is available for storage facilities owners and managers who have the legal right to liquidate abandoned property that has been stored within a facility they own or manage. Auction one unit or a dozen, all at no cost. A seller is only charged if an auction is canceled. Cancellation fees for a free membership are $20.00 per unit. Click here to register as a seller today.
Use our search database to find storage auctions online near your location. The listings include details such as unit location, auction closing date, number of bids, and more. Give us a call to learn more about beginning the bidding process.